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It’s Not That Simple

Oh sinful nation,  people weighed down with iniquity,  brood of evildoers, depraved children! They have abandoned the Lord;  they have despised the Holy One of Israel;  they have turned their backs on Him. HCSB  (Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2009), Isaiah 1:4.   God brings a charge against his people. His people. Them. Us. Me. Burdened with sin, inheritors of evil pass down depravity to their children and their children's children, but still His people. He sees our abandonment, our scornful contempt of Him. Grieved over our worship of worthless, yet seemingly more usable gods, and having turned our backs on Him, we no longer see Him as protector, provider, and moral guide.   It’s too simple.  We walked away from the truth and began to build lives on our own truth.   It's too simple  to transport Isaiah's words across time and use them as a complaint against the 21st Century World. I am afraid to list in a table with headings like Sinful, Depraved, Abandoned, Despised

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