Celebration of Discipline

In the early 80s, Dr. Richard Foster (Renovaré) led a week-long renewal conference at FBC using his book, Celebration of Discipline , as the jumping off point. I remember those meetings as having an impact on several lives. Mine, though, not enough.

In March 2007, we will have a weekend with Glandion Carney (
Author of Heaven Within These Walls, Creative Urban Youth Ministries, and Missing Peace, and co-author of five other books, Glandion helped found "Centrepoint: A Community for Spiritual Formation" in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is Chaplain for the Christian Legal Society, read more here). He is also a presenter for Renovaré and a friend of our Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Roger Fredrikson.

In anticipation of that weekend, we will be re-visiting Foster's Celebration of Discipline on Wednesday evenings beginning January 10. Dr. Foster has categorized these faith practices as Inward (Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Study), Outward (Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service), and Corporate (Confession, Worship, Guidance, Celebration). In addition, we will be reviewing
Practicing Our Faith, edited by Dorothy C. Bass. She identifies twelve shared activities, called practices, that take our faith from the realm of theory and address our fundamental human needs. Weaving these practices together creates a rich tapestry of a new, abundant way of life.

Why am I taking on this teaching task? Because, as the deer in
Psalm 42 , I have a longing, nay a thirst, for knowing more about my God. How about you? Let's take this journey together. Join me (and Jason Folkerts) on Wednesday evenings these next few weeks as we seek the Summum bonum of the Good LIfe in Jesus Christ.


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