A Chance, That's All They Ask

An emerging ministry at First B is bearing the name, "Elizabeth House." Just like Mary's relative Elizabeth opened her doors and arms to mentor and keep safe a pregnant Mary, we are developing a transitional, short-term ministry to young women in crisis. This has arisen from several recent incidents of needing to provide benevolent care to young women, but not being to provide for their basic needs of security, shelter and sustenance of soul and body.

Led by Pastor Susan Omanson and director Rev. Carolyn Salberg, this program will provide safe and free housing, mentoring and counseling opportunities, and a place for young women at risk or in transition to belong. At present, one of the church-owned homes is being transformed into a caring and warm environment. Our new, visionary Church Council has endorsed this ministry and is eagerly watching its development.

The intent is not to provide permanent housing for a woman, but a bed, companionship and meals as she sorts out the issues she finds life has dealt her.

Many, throughout our congregation and community, have begun to provide furniture, paper goods and financial support for Elizabeth House. Many more have offered their assistance as mentors and financial trainers to help the women become fully functional in society and break the cycle of despair and hopelessness. Can you help?

First B has a rich history of seeking ways to minister to the hopeless in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas. This is the latest opportunity for us to provide a level of care and compassion not presently found in the community. I encourage you to learn more about Elizabeth House and to seek your place in helping this emerging ministry of grace and mercy.


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