Time To Think

A 5-day period away from the office gives one plenty of time to think. Especially when four of the days are consumed with 7 hours of interstate travel each.

Pray for my nephew Matt and his bride Katie as they embark on a journey of marital unity. As with our days in the car, there will be long periods of smooth travel with minor bumps and slowdowns, but pray for their patience and endurance during those times of a seemingly "go-nowhere" relationship delays (3 miles in one hour, in one case) so they can see the hope of smoother travel ahead. Pray that they know when to take the side trips to the rest areas, gas stations and coffee shops to refresh and refuel their marriage. Pray for alertness to protect their marriage from the influences of the travelers around them. Thank God for His provision of a life partner to share the wheel.

So during these 28+ hours, why did I hear God's message to Job (chapters 38 & 39) on several occasions? In what way had I been questioning God that He felt I needed to hear this "rebuke" several times. I don't have that answer yet...

...But what I did hear is Job's response in chapter 40. I must learn to "cover my mouth" and wait, "proceeding no further," while God talks to me about his sovereignty, love and grace. I believe God has unimaginable gifts waiting for me. What He's waiting for is me.


jason folkerts said…
You're BACK!
Your words are true
jason folkerts said…
It is time for a new blog my friend, rejoice us with your pundages...
Publisher said…
Well, It's been a year! How did it all turn out! They are still together I hope!

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